Cruise Countdown
So it's three weeks till we cruise. The Baltics, Royal Caribbean, sailing out of Southampton, so much good in one sentence. First of all The Baltics. I have always wanted to visit Scandinavia and this trip has it all. We will stop in Oslo, Copenhagen, Tallinn, Helsinki and Skagen. And then there is St Petersburg. This was one of the main reasons for booking this particular cruise - until Salisbury happened. And now I'm not so sure we will receive a warm welcome! And there is a World Cup match one of the days we are there. But never mind we are going anyway and have booked an excursion to see the wonderful architecture, in particular the colourful onion domes of the Church of the Saviour on Spilled Blood. Strange name but apparently its name is derived from the site on which it is built, the place where Emperor Alexander II was assassinated. Built with monies provided by the imperial family. Secondly, Royal Caribbean, who we have cruised with before. My brother Henr...